Advanced Practitioner of Nursing - Edgewater Health truetrue

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Advanced Practitioner of Nursing

October 16, 2017



Responsible to assure the quality and appropriateness of all direct and indirect medical and behavioral health services provided by EBHS’s Rapid Access Center (RAC) programs; to assure medical compliance with all laws, regulations and funding requirements; to represent the Agency within the medical community and to serve as advisor to the Medical  Director, Clinical Director, Executive Director and Board of Directors in relation to the RAC’s  services; to serve as a medical consultant to therapists; to provide managerial direction to the clinical activities of the RAC programs.


  • Supervision of the care provided to all clients participating in the RAC programs, clinical interventions of the Nursing staff, and all medical services provided to the clients while admitted to the RAC facility.
  • Provision of all admitting orders, including pharmaceutical interventions provided by the Nursing staff based on the assessment completed by the Nurse-on-duty. This requires the willingness to be on-call 24 hours per day when scheduled.
  • Provision of a Medical assessment (History & Physical) on all admissions, as an addendum to and in collaboration with, the Nurse on-duty within 8 hours of all admissions while scheduled. This is to be done to validate the Nurse’s assessment and confirm treatments prescribed when admitted to the program, remain accurate and medically appropriate for the care of this individual.
  •  Assist with service design and implementation in compliance with all applicable laws, regulations and third party requirements.
  • Development and enforcement of program guidelines, rules and will assist in educating staff as to best practices as well as treatment plan for each individual admitted to the program. .
  • Representation of the Agency within the Gary Medical community and liaison to other service provider agencies.
  • Recruitment and development of RAC staff.
  • Interpretation and implementation of  Policies and Procedures as they relate to medical service and practice within the RAC programs.
  • Act as Advisor to the Medical Director, Executive Director and Clinical Director in the design and operation of clinical services at the RAC.
  • Assure through the RAC staff, the continual  medical coverage of IPCC and the SRU for routine and emergency situations, as needed.
  • Assures the continual compliance with the Indiana State standards of care for Psychiatric Hospitals per IC 12-25 and the Medical Practices Act of the State of Indiana.
  • Assure the medical appropriateness of all the evaluations and diagnosis developed by clinical staff for individual clients.
  • Evaluate, upon request, the mental health of individual staff members and appropriately refer for treatment those staff whose behavior may impair their work performance.
  • Attend meetings  upon request and; facilitate program in-service trainings to assist the staff in improving their responses and interventions both medically and psychiatrically to the clients served.
  • Assist in maintaining good public relations with referral agencies including some outreach and follow-up as indicated.
  • Ensure that patient’s rights to fair and equitable treatment, self determination, individuality, privacy, property and civil rights, including the right to wage complaints, are well established and maintained at all times.
  • Contributes to the Development of short and long term goals and objectives for the clients and the RAC program.
  • Conducts meetings with subordinates in order to review new techniques, explain changes in procedures, discuss problems and exchange information.
  • Cooperates with and maintains good working relationships with other clinicians, physicians and departments.
  • Provide direct service care for fifty percent of time, and to be willing to be flexible depending on the needs of the RAC program.


  • Provide quality mental health care.
  • Provide RAC staff leadership.
  • Train staff
  • Provide ethical mental health care.


Licenses to practice as an Advanced Practice Nurse in the State of Indiana. Experience organizing and planning for the development of quality mental health services.