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NEWS & Event Calendar

Community Event Calendar

March 13, 2020 Uncategorized

The Indiana Department of Health (ISDH) has issued the following guidelines for public gatherings as ordered by Governor Eric J. Holcomb:

  • Non-essential gatherings of 250 people or more should be postponed or canceled. This includes any event or gathering of people who are in a single room or single space at the same time, such as an auditorium, cafeteria, church, stadium, arena, large conference room, or meeting hall. This would include gatherings such as concerts, conferences, social and community events.
  • Smaller, non-essential gatherings held in venues which do not allow social distancing of six (6) feet per person should be postponed or canceled.
  • If an event cannot be canceled or postponed, institute the following precautionary measures:
    • Use phones or video conferencing to reduce the number attending and the need for close interactions;
    • Stagger activities or add frequency of an event to spread out attendance;
    • Encourage those in a high-risk group to not attend the event;
    • Recommend that attendees stay home if they have a fever and/or respiratory symptoms;
    • Practice social distancing, such as adding distance between where individuals sit or stand around tables, and also limit the number of people in lines;
    • Avoid direct physical contact with others, such as hand-shaking, holding hands, and hugging;
    • Event organizers should
      • Explore alternative site design and set-up;
      • Prop doors open to avoid touching;
      • Increase ventilation within the facility;
      • Increase the number of hygiene stations;
      • Clean frequently touched surfaces, such as handrails and countertops, during the event.
    • For those who attend the event, recommend they take the following precautions to prevent possible transmission of the COVID-19 before, during, and after the event:
      • Wash hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer;
      • Cough and sneeze into the elbow or into a tissue;
      • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.

Certain activities are essential to the functioning of our state and must continue. The goal of these recommendations is to prevent people from being together unnecessarily where viruses can be easily spread to others. This guidance does not apply to essential activities or services. Hence, this guidance does not apply to the workplace, essential public transportation and travel, or shopping.

Additional Resources:

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